Financial Support for Church Planting
Breakdown of financial need for support on a monthly and annual basis.
Luke World Missions Thailand- Funding the Vision
Phichit Province
Church Name
Mueang Phichit
Beung Na Rang
Wachira Barami
Sak Lek
Wang Sai Phun
Taphan Hin
Bang Mun Nak
Phai Ta Pho
Thap Khlo
Dong Charoen
Sam Ngam
Pho Thale
Phichit Total
Church Name
Wang Chompu
Nong Phai
Phetchabun Total
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.” Luke 10:1

Leadership Training for Church Planting
The following are excerpts from AFT’s Method for Reaching Thailand for Christ
Biblical principles that guide AFT’s church planting:
1. The Great Commission commands us to GO and make DISCIPLES – not converts. (Matt 28:19) Sanctification is a process not a one-time event. (John 8:31) However, the first step of sanctification is to believe in Jesus. (John 3:36, Acts 16:31)
2. Jesus sent the apostles to villages as teams looking for persons of peace with a follow up plan. (Luke 10:1, Luke 10:5-6, Mark 1:38)
3. The apostles did not bring religion; they brought a relationship with Jesus. (Matt 11:28-30, Acts 4:12)
4. The Bible teaches that new believers are babies spiritually. We need to gradually disciple these babies until they are mature, and their “roots” grow deep. (John 3:6-7, 1 Cor 3:2)
5. We must let the Holy Spirit convict, sanctify, and transform the believers; we cannot “convert” them_. (John 3:6-8, John 6:63)
6. Jesus is building his “ECCLESIA.” _The AFT ecclesia are house churches, much like the early church (Matt 16:18, Acts 9:31 and many more verses in the book of Acts).
7. To build the church we collect contact and spiritual growth data on those who believe so we can do effective discipleship and so that none are “lost.” (Matt 18:12-14)
Discipleship Method for New Believers:
1. Immediately begin the discipleship process by teaching the new believer to pray so they develop a relationship with Jesus. Give them a copy of the prayer booklet
2. Enter their data into the database so we know when they prayed to believe in Jesus and can keep track of their spiritual growth to make sure no one is left behind or lost.
3. Schedule a time to follow up with them the next week to continue the discipleship process.
4. Return to their house each week with additional discipleship lessons.
a) Week 0-1: Teach them to pray using the prayer book to have them develop a personal Relationship with Jesus. Prayer is emphasized every week from now on.
b) Week 1-4: Teach the Plan of Jesus so they have a Foundational understanding of the Creation to Christ story.
c) Week 4-7: Start studying the Gospel of John to get them into God’s word. Teach and have them memorize verses. God’s Word gives them Confidence in their new faith.
d) Week 7-26: Teach basic doctrine using the Abundant Life course. This gives them Knowledge in what they believe.
Note: More people are joining this body of believers over the weeks so lessons may be repeated so the new people can be brought “up to speed” with everyone else.
9. Around week 26 a house church is started where the leader continues to disciple them.
10. Baptize those who understand what baptism means and desire to be baptized. (Lesson 11 in the Abundant Life book)
11. Start a district church.
12. Start the whole process over with the new district church.
Supporting Newly Established Churches and their pastors
The goal of Supporting Newly Established Churches and Their Pastors includes 3 main points:
1. Train pastors in every district and local church in the gospel, discipleship, and church growth.
2. Create and produce culturally relevant educational materials and have them translated into the Thai language.
3. Provide financial support to cover some of the costs to local pastors as they don’t receive a salary.

Luke World Mission Thailand subscribes to the Seven Stewardship Standards of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.